A Conversation with Suze Schwartz

LeeAnn: You believe in fate, I believe in fate. Things are meant to happen and they’re going to happen whether we like it or not. What’s the feedback you’ve been getting from covid-19 and this pandemic on your business? Do you think it was fated to happen? Did you go with your gut? Talk to me.

Suze: This really was destiny and fate, and I didn’t think about that until right this second. The truth is, I didn’t think that much about it. I’m someone who leans into my intuition. Someone once said hope is not a strategy, but it has always been mine. Winging it has always been mine!

LeeAnn: Fingers crossed, let’s do it!

Suze: I’m an optimist through and through, I’m a believer.

LeeAnn: Your youthful enthusiasm is so contagious and so mind-blowing to me, it’s such an amazing quality.

Suze: For anyone reading this, I'm the least likely person to ever be in business. I’m hyped up, I’m Type A, I’m go go go, I wanna win. It’s not the kind of person that you’d expect to be into meditation. But that is exactly why I do this. I’m moving 200 mph every single day and if I don’t slow myself down, I’m gonna miss the moment that I’m in. We only get to be present for so long - right now is the sweet spot! Everyday of your life is the sweet spot of your life, but we don’t savor it because we’re so busy thinking about the next spot. To anchor yourself to this moment, you really need to slow down and that is what meditation does. Whether you do it with the Unplug app or on your own by closing your eyes and breathing, or going to the beach - it really doesn’t matter how you do it. It works for everybody, you just need to do it. As my friend Davidji says, “If meditation came in pill form, everyone would be completely addicted to it.”

LeeAnn: So how do you personally set your intentions everyday?

Suze: I meditate, put my hands on my heart and say to myself, ‘What do I want and how do I want to be today? I want to inspire, I want to be kind, I want to listen more, etc.’

LeeAnn: I love it.

Suze: To be or not to be, that is the question.

LeeAnn: Anything you really wanna get out there and make sure people hear from you?

Suze: Yes, I believe if you can breathe, you can meditate. Anyone can do this. Just start small and keep it consistent. Do a one minute mediation before you get out of bed. Say ‘I am’ -inhale- ‘(your word)’ -exhale- of how you want to be that day. When you do that every single day, you’ll start to notice a shift and you’ll start to create a little bit more.

For more information on Unplug Mediation, visit their website.


To listen to the No Ordinary Moment Podcast episode with Suze, please click here.


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